Kashrus Alerts!!!!
A&B Frozen Gefilte Fish at ESKD
Please note that some packages of A&B frozen loaves of gefilte fish may have been inadvertently stocked in the Pesach section at East Side Kosher Deli. The packages are clearly marked as Chometz. If you are uncertain if you have used this product, please contact Rabbi Rosskamm at 303-949-0673 or your Rabbi.
Romaine Lettuce Update
Please note that romaine lettuce is apparently more infested than usual at this time and special vigilance should be used when cleaning and washing romaine. Another point to note (this applies for all seasons): detergent or dish soap (as opposed to vegetable wash) should be used. Proper procedures for washing and checking appear in our..
B&G Gherkins and Keebler/Funables Alerts
From Star-K: Some lots of B&G Gherkins have been found to contain insect infestation. The lot codes are printed on the side of the lid. The affected lots identified so far are: #25021 – Best By Feb 25 2023, #09031 – Best By Mar 09 2023, #24861 – Best By Jun 24 2023. These lots should not be used. It is unclear at..
King Soopers In-store Bakeries Labeling Issues
There are some ongoing issues with labels being printed incorrectly in Scroll K-certified King Soopers kosher in-store bakeries. An example is Dairy labeling on bread. Please note: No ingredients or details have been changed at this time. Bread bearing the Scroll K symbol is always parve. For clarifications or to report an incorrect label, please..
Falafel King products not certified kosher by Scroll K or EarthKosher
Please note: Falafel King™ (Boulder, Colorado) products are not certified by Scroll K, even when bearing the Scroll K symbol. EarthKosher has confirmed that they too no longer certify any Falafel King products.
Refridgerator Shabbos Mode and Kosher Guides
Please note the following: The following was released by Star-K: It has come to our attention that in certain models of STAR-K Sabbath Mode-certified Kitchen Aid French Door refrigerators – among them KRFC302ESS and KRSC503ESS – the interior lights continue to be operational even in Sabbath Mode. See more details at https://www.star-k.org/alerts.php The Scroll K produce guide and ‘Does..