Pre-Pesach Kashering

Scroll K provides complimentary kashering services for portable items before Pesach. The times and locations for 5784/2024 are as follows:

  1. Southeast Denver/ Greenwood Village: In conjunction with Aish of the Rockies, on Sunday, April 14th, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM at 9550 E. Bellevue Avenue, Greenwood Village.
  2. East Denver: In conjunction with BMH-BJ, on Wednesday, April 17th, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at 560 S. Monaco Pkwy, Denver. Kashering will take place in the meat kitchen; please enter through the Center Street kitchen entrance.
  3. West Denver: In conjunction with Congregation Zera Abraham, on Tuesday, April 16th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM at 1560 Winona Court, Denver.

In preparation for the kashering of your items, please clean the items thoroughly and do not use them for 24 hours prior to kashering. For more information, contact Scroll K at 303-595-9349.